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Where do you want to go?

[testimonials name='St Augustine, philosopher'] The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.

RentAClassic is not just about hiring a car to get you from A to B - we'd far rather go via C, get lost in D and discover Z. We only rent out cars like the MG sports and Saab convertible that we love ourselves, (because then we can have fun driving them when you're not). Be it for a holiday, anniversary present, nostalgia trip, wedding, first, second, third honeymoon, out of curiosity, or self indulgent treat, for us it's all about sharing the experience, of driving something different, something with character, personality, even idiosyncrasies and imperfections. Of enjoying driving for the sake of it, having the road to yourself, taking fast sweeping bends, autumn leaves tumbling out behind you, piercing the mist in a valley, or glimpsing the sun glinting off the sea alongside, your music providing your favourate soundtrack to adventures and people yet to discover who'll become treasured memories, even friends....without getting stuck behind the fume belching obstacles every 60 seconds or driving into yet another traffic jam. It's all possible here in the Top of the South Island in New Zealand with RentAClassic, and in the posts that follow we'll try and write that A-Z a bit more.

Life is a journey after all - why not add some more chapters?

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