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Drive Alive Podcast

Our Drive Alive Podcast first broadcast on Fresh FM Radio in Nelson at the Top of the South Island, New Zealand, brings you three fab things:

If you need a feast for your ears as well as your eyes when driving around beautiful Aotearoa, the Drive Alive Podcast provides an entertaining and useful combination, reminding you of the things you know you need to know to minimise your stress, and maximise your driving enjoyment.

We talk to those in the Nelson Tasman transport sector such as Traffic Police, Chauffeurs and Transport Planners about their roles and hopes for the future, as well as local notable guests about their funny, nostalgic and possibly slightly dodgy four wheeled adventures and motoring tales.

Listen to some of our sample clips below:


Drive Alive - Great Driving Conversations

With people who love and know their cars. With people who don't, but have some funny, challenging and engaging views about them. With people who determine what we drive, where we drive, how we should drive and how we shouldn't. Be it Driving Instructors, Traffic Police, Local Celebrities or when desperate, my mates, I've chatted to many interesting characters on some really entertaining escapades around their 4 wheeled friends.

  Pilates for Passengers - Buttock Clenching Rides

 Circumnavigating the Arc de Triomphe in a Renault 4

 Confessions of a Mercedes S Class Diva Driver

 Doughnuts, Suffragettes and Bad Boys at Brooklands

 Smuggling Germans out of the country whilst trying to smuggle a Porsche Taycan in 

 The Future of Driving according to Pic Picot (and it's not Peanut Powered)

 Venetian Volvos and the Road back from Speeding


Drive Alive - Great Safe Driving Advice 

Basically it mainly comes down to your attitude so make sure you... 


  • Within the Road Code
  • Within the conditions (road, weather)
  • Within your and your cars limits (don't take dumb risks, in fact, don't take any risks)
  • Focused (or focussed, we don't mind which as long as you're one of them)
  • Off your Phone / Alcohol / Drugs
  • Alert
  • Patient
  • Courteous
  • Kind

Remember all those metal boxes might contain strangers, but they're someones Granny, someones Mum, someones Daughter, someones Son. Don't just share the road with them, treat them like you're sharing a meal together eh?

 What's the one thing our Drive Alive guests said they wished all drivers would do?


Drive Alive - Great Driving Music

So come on, who doesn't like playing their tunes in the car then? Cars provide your very own personal concert arena, and roof down in one of our convertibles, the whole landscape can be your soundscape too.

When we're not gassing on the Drive Alive shows, we like to play great music to drive to, to change gear to, to feel good with, to feel alive with. Could be fast, slow, rock, or mellow, but for the open road these are without any question, the top 22 songs to drive to from each decade when our hire cars were made IMHO, (you have no idea how many arguments I had with myself...).

Basically the best driving music should have soaring vocals, multi layered orchestration and an irresistible drum along beat - although not necessarily a fast one. So that means almost anything by Swing Out Sister, Chris Rea, Stevie Wonder, Bryan Ferry, Was Not Was or Love and Money is pretty much going to make the cut...but we'll allow quality others in too...

Click any of the play buttons or individual tracks below to sample what you could be enjoying when you hire our Portable Bluetooth Speaker with any of our cars, or Bluetooth Receiver on Bring Your Own Tunes enabled cars.

For the MG BGT & Alfa Spider S2....the best driving music from the 70's

We've painted a sensational 70's soundscape for making groovy progress that would just about fit on a C120 cassette before it snapped. And now you can play them in any order you like, whoa! OK so the last 2 songs aren't from that decade, but how many cars have had songs written just for them....and one that we happen to hire out?!


For the Saab 9-3 & Spider S4...the best music from the 90's

For wind in your hair, feeling not a care, and hopefully no seagulls lurking anywhere, this is the definitive feel good, fresh air top & foot down tracks from the 1990s that everyone should hear, and will do if you've got our convertibles roof down and the volume loud enough!


For the decade with the worst cars but the best music...the 80's!! 

What happened to cars in the 1980s? It's like the engineers went AWOL and all the designers could do was shove bits of plastic monstrosities everywhere. 80's cars left an awful lot to be desired so we haven't got any of them on our fleet, but that's OK because my attention was well and truly focused on the music...which was just brilliant!


And for everything else....the best driving music from the 2000's

With iPods and iTunes and iDon'tKnowWhatElse it became a lot easier to take your favourate music anywhere....and with RentAClassic you can hire our Portable Speaker and blast yours from your Smartphone via long as it's from the list below of course.


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